Tuesday, January 18, 2011


Tuesday's Thanks: I'm grateful that we can provide for our family. 


Monday's Thanks: I'm glad he parks these shoes in my yard.......I hope I see them there till the day I die.


Sunday's Thanks: Okay, so this week, I'm waaaaay behind and it's Tuesday and I'm catching up...but I still have lots to be grateful for so here goes....Sunday's thanks are for these monkeys..They are bound to pop up here again and again - but they are my heart on legs.  I'm thankful that they love each other, and know they'll have a friend for life in each other.  As one says of the other "he's my best friend".


Saturday's thanks: is always going to be delayed as we tend to not turn on laptops on Saturdays.  As a result, I'm grateful for lazy Saturdays spent staring at the sky, watching the tree sway in the wind and bees buzz by...

Friday, January 14, 2011


Today's Thanks: Having kids later in life was worth the wait for me, but I cannot even begin to put into words how wonderful it is for my dad.  He truly relishes the role of grandfather or "abuelo".  So today, I'm thankful that I'm lucky enough to not only still have my dad with me, but to be able to watch him truly shine in his best role to date - as a much adored grandfather. We love you Abuelo.

Thursday, January 13, 2011


Today's Thanks: We have a lovely tree that sheds these lilac flowers ALL over the backard.  It attracts all sorts of birds and they chirp away, happily, in the mornings.  When my mother in law was over from NZ (hi Rosemary!) she bought the birds this feeder.  It was mainly for the kids to interact with mother nature in their own backyard, but I must admit, I'm getting more use out of it than they are.  So today, I'm thankful for having a very thoughtful mother in law.  Thank you Rosemary, you've given me the time to sit and just listen to their songs and share my backyard.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011


Today's thanks: thinking of our fellow man north of the border.  For those waiting for waters to subside, with no power, limited supplies, counting the cost of the floods...or in evacuation centres, or with loved ones....this little light seems like a lot to be grateful for right now.  

Tuesday, January 11, 2011


Today's thanks: for the simple pleasure of cooking a meal for loved ones.